I've never really been great with technology, in fact this blogging lark is stretching me to the limits of my computing skills. However, I've always been great with words. Actually, English has always been my favourite subject at school, and has always been what I've wanted to do with my life. So my auntie suggests to me that I start a blog and I think about it for a while, and I decide to take her advice.
So here it is, EverSoEmily, and on this blog I will post every rant I have, every piece of inspiration I can summon and every bit of interesting news I have to entertain the people of the web. I don't expect people to listen to me. I'm a teenage girl for goodness sake, I'm used to being overlooked and ignored. But I do hope that I do attract some interest from at least one person. I mean, it would be nice to know I'm writing for an audience other than myself.
So, some background information.
My name is Emily, hence EverSoEmily if you couldnt figure that one out. I'm a sixteen year old girl and I live in England, though I am originally from America. I'm not one for beating around the bush; for me it has to be straight to the point and less of the rubbish surrounding it. I'm around 5 foot 4 and have a mop of ginger hair that seems to have a mind of its own. Taming my hair is a mission I put upon myself every single morning, and trust me, it's a different experience everyday. I pretty much hate girls and the bitchy attitude that surrounds them, but I can still be friends with a lot of them. I love banter and some of my greatest friends are boys, and thats mainly because I like the way boys dont take life too seriously.
I dont think the world wide web needs to know anything more about me for now. They just need to hold their breath and brace themselves for a new blogging phenomanon.
Alright, alright. A blogging beginner.
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